Sunday, November 11, 2012

Subject: [gold medal challenge] God, animal husbandry wasteland record 6/9 (updated magic ancient mountain palace)

     Suddenly one day someone asked me to play the challenges, I am a very busy and went, and then can not extricate themselves.

     Let me talk about the brand concept several challenges.
     Bronze medal, as long as it is not to fight off more than 3 times, generally nothing issue, perhaps I was too conservative, anyway, the bronze medal for the 85% of the players can reach. Silver medal, a normal group of immortal destroyed, not
      Various temporary leave of absence, and generally there is no difficulty. Gold medal, you need a group of very strong teammate, engineering, mixture, and the outbreak of the potion, stealth syrup. The beasts of the DPS, the more important
     The tacit understanding, in addition, you also need a microphone.
     Let me talk about the next team configuration
    To riding discipline monks Tanzania Beastmaster hunter pyrometallurgical God, animal husbandry
Professional skills of all engineering + other manufacturing
     Prewar preparation, mixture of a lot of, cooking a large number of outbreak Potion large, stealth Potion.We recommend that you prepare the two belts, a rocket a stealth.
    Let me talk about the equipment compression mechanism under challenge.
You've got equipment, less than 463 would not be enhanced, higher than 463 parts in accordance with the proportion of compression. Compressed parts, gems, enchants, more importantly, the hit will not be compressed, other
The properties will be. The challenge mode BOSS Level 93 raid level, you need 15% of the legal systems of the hit. In addition, the project head looks like will not be compressed. Top enchants and gems will make you more
Challenges, if you want to play the gold medal, do not be stingy. Say the treatment, which is not entirely reflect the ability of the number of practices, Rapid treatment access Greater Heal is the most commonly used
Plus the blood gimmick, The Prayer of Healing that slow the increase of blood not suited to the challenge mode, with very little. The shake-up is a God-level shake-up after the match Desperate Prayer is very easy to use. Guardian angel is not how
What kind of, I feel completely useless, does not take effect directly to the wings completely dead.
Equipment recast in accordance with the spirit> haste> crit> mastery
Maybe I'm wrong, I'm just talking about under my view. Tanks battle you face 99% are T a lot of spurting skills not open, or the opening of a bad skill Tanzania, within one second full blood out space is
This concept. A public CD did not turn to finish, Tanzania 60 percent direct died too common. In addition, in the race against time when simply will not give you the opportunity to back to blue. Spirit fully support it up quickly.
To use. The sooner the better, read the article crit lot safer Light echoes the HOT may very objective, totally can not stand the time of his entry into force of the blood of others.
Back to blue, big blue you must be prepared to groups under 85% lost in your blue shadowfiend. Just out of combat, the first thing is to eat and drink.
Natural talent is also a personal choice together with the description.
The first layer: Void tentacles, in fact, close to useless, but it looks like the good little than 2.
Second layer: paradise feathers, I dare off war eat and drink and have the confidence to catch up with them is to rely on this stuff.
Third layer: destroy demons, 1 minute 1 second back to blue fully automatic, fully compacted 2.
The fourth layer: despair Prayer, perhaps the angels barriers can also be, but I feel comfortable point of control in their own hands.
Fifth layer: the infusion of energy the other two, fully compacted controlled therapy outbreak, provincial blue.
Sixth layer: Halo and cascades I have selected, are good, but not perfect. This did not ask to see their own
Main Glyph:
Bright Shengquan Glyph, do not go, in the battle with the Lightwell also very much. Prayer of Mending Required Glyph healing equivalent to a direct treatment. Shield Glyph of Shield also return to the blood, although
The shield then God, animal husbandry and paper, but point anyhow plus point. Glyph of Circle of Healing, misunderstanding, not recommended choice, challenge five individuals, multiple targets useless, more important, he also
Blue multi fee. Small Glyph, not asked, casually engage.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

WOT8.0 version gold car compared to the previous version

1. T34 housing allocation is still a tragedy, six innings in 10 innings into the room ten. Nine, the Second Board of the Second Board of eight. The tofu bodywork is still no defense 175. Wear deep this time a tragedy difficult to breakdown the ten heavy Tanzania front face of the pendulum angle ten heavy tanks, long-distance. Ten room to sell the head very limited opportunities for income greatly reduced due to the vision of the. 360 vision to see the enemy vehicle is lit by friendly forces, a gun shot 400 damage to 200 damage only money.

2. 88 tiger hunting. Version 8.0 in the gold car, and a positive impact. Wear dark compared to the force due to the gun's rate of fire, accuracy, shrinking circle can weakness in long-distance easily hit the other vehicle, plus due to the small circle of factors caused by the vehicle weight can not install gun control mounted high light, gains in vision significantly strengthened within reason.

Housing allocation is still a force. 10 innings at least six innings eight room, now, as long as it will go a bit played Ashkenazi TD, 88 tiger hunting is the most earning power, not one, but this vehicle tired.

3. -6 by huge negative impact, wear dark gun was barely too bad, coupled with shrinking circle and precision, plus eight heavy tanks and 59 are defense tough, often ricochet breakdown earning power decreased, my car from 7.5 69% winning percentage plummeted to 64%.

4. WZ111, the positive and negative also exists, greatly strengthened defense, T34 wear a deep hit the WZ positive if not carefully targeted the same without breakdown, do not have the same gold bombs, Wang guns more than IS6 situation poor, because he's firing rate lower than the IS. But with gold shells Well, you know, the next version of you know better.

5. Super Pan. Slag goods, even the idea of ??open car broke no tanks and thought members in addition to the M series to make a double basically not open.

6. Lions affected medium. First under the defense to some extent on the strengthening probability an angle of 30 degrees, 200 meters away jump 175. The lower limit of the gun to some extent changed.

Main gun wearing high deep high accuracy of, damage the ability of the affected basic, strong ability to gross income, but net income is high, but 88 tiger hunting. Housing allocation situation has markedly improved in 8.0, 10 6 eight into nine into ten, but the lion-gun into nine rooms revenue better I think, after all, more than three hundred block early gold coins tanks, capacity or security.

7. KV5. God vehicles varying slag car. Cause you know.

8. Barley. Housing distribution is still not much change, gun flighty and slightly changed itch As for the defense, and Lorraine 40T "strong".

9. French gold coins artillery, housing allocation change, I hit forty Bureau basically went into eight rooms, most of the five and six, but really not very good earning power, and recreational vehicles.

10. 59, a positive defense tough gun wear deep equal low, but the advantage of this is in Tanzania, can play side.

However, the earning power of this car is not as good as the 88 hunting tiger or lion style.

Many people think that the 59 earning power is strongest, data where income coefficients are all gold car almost, I do not know to basically hurt to give you the money, like 88 hunting tiger, lion-type, T34 this averaged 2000 damage three cars can reach, that is V gross income above 7W, while 59 is difficult to achieve, averaging 2000, unless the lighting points good in theory, otherwise is not as good as these three cars.

In this Letter that T34 gold car most friends, this car is simply not the strongest of the reason lies in the ring and housing allocation, yes, T34 248 wear dark, 400 damage, excellent pitch angle iron hand skill invincible However, we should also take a look at who we're playing, his opponent can all IS 7, IS4, ten TD ten tanks, 261, and opponents like a lion the formula, hunting tiger 88 car, people can -3, King Tiger, scrap metal male, wild bees ilk, which you say the name is easier?

We want peace of mind? Recommended lion style, net income is not the highest, but very stable.

Want to make money? Jagdtiger 88, if 8.2 is not canceled silver coins to buy gold coins bomb, then WZ111 is also a good choice, of course.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

"Diablo 3" finalists Ultimate Game of the Year

Diablo 3 finalists GameMaster's Golden Joystick Awards Ultimate Game of the Year. Diablo fans go and vote for their most beloved "Diablo 3" now!