Monday, January 28, 2013

Ankama releases new Vulkania zone for DOFUS


DOFUS, the free-to-play fantasy MMO from Ankama, is embarking on a somewhat novel approach to new zone content. The game's newest map area is an archipelago called Vulkania, and it's only available to players during the months of July and August.

The isle features varying terrain including white sand beaches, tropical jungles, craters, and various caverns, not to mention strange wildlife. Among the new monster species are the sauroshell family and a pet/mount called a madreggon. According to an Ankama press release, "Vulkania is also home to Grozilla and Grasmera, two terrors who are back to shake the World of Twelve once more!"

The release also provides a concise summary of what we can expect from Vulkania aside from its monsters, and amenities include 40 new quests, 13 new equipment items, and 3 new titles. Check out the official DOFUS website for more.
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Friday, January 18, 2013

Diablo 3 Patch 1.0.7 PTR Notes Released


     So we know that the dueling feature will be introduced to Diablo 3 in Patch 1.0.7, and the good news is that Blizzard has announced that Patch 1.0.7 is now live on the PTR (Public Test Realm), so players interested in checking it out should head on over to Blizzard’s website to find out how to participate in it. In the meantime considering that Patch 1.0.7 is a pretty big one, the developer has released the Patch 1.0.7 patch notes, giving players a more or less complete run down of what sort of changes, improvements, balancing and etc. that they might be able to expect once the patch goes live. buy diablo gold cheap

      Once again the dueling feature is probably the highlight of it, but for players who are still farming for gear, there are some changes Blizzard made to the Monster Power feature, such as increasing its experience gains for players in Inferno mode. Blizzard has noted that this isn't the final version of the 1.0.7 notes and it will be subject to change, which is why it’s currently being trialed on the PTR. No word on when the patch will go live, but assuming if it runs without a hitch, hopefully players won’t have to wait too long before updating!
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Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Neoseeker's Game of the Year 2012 Nominee Spotlight: Guild Wars 2


      2012's year of gaming is coming to a close and that means Neoseeker is deep in deliberation over its "Game of the Year" award. In the month of December each of Neoseeker's 10 nominees for Game of the Year will be profiled. Join in the discussion, speculate on the nominees, and subtly persuade us which game deserves such an honorable award.(1)

     Our ninth nominee for 2012's Game of the Year is an MMO, of all things. Yet Guild Wars 2 takes the second-to-final spot on our list, thanks in large part to developer Arena Net's willingness to think outside the proverbial box. The result is a surprisingly refreshing entry in a burgeoning genre that is always rapidly changing.   guild wars 2 gold

     Plenty of factors that contribute to making Guild Wars 2 such a successful online game, but there's one mistake that so many others make, one that Arena Net has avoided since the first Guild Wars. Know what that is? Right, don't try to replicate World of Warcraft. True, Guild Wars 2 is much more like a conventional MMO than its predecessor, doing away with the instance-based system in favor of an actual open world (among other interesting changes), but Arena Net really isn't afraid of trying new things. Their fans love them for it, and they know and respect this.

Why Guild Wars 2 is great:

    No subscription - This has to be the game's biggest selling point, at least at face value. If your buddy has no clue what Guild Wars 2 is about, the easiest way to get them remotedly interested is by saying, "It's free." Okay, so you have to buy the actual game first, but after that, it's free-to-play, which is pretty rare these days for big budget MMOs; others tend to only adopt a free version down the road, and usually with a level cap or some other awful restrictions. Not that Arena Net isn't making any money, because as most successful F2P models have shown us, people will flock to free games only to pour money into cosmetic goods, boosters, and other superfluous things. At the end of the day, you're still getting tons of content -- dungeons, exploration, PvP -- with no monthly fee, and that's pretty rare. There's plenty more on the way, too.   buy or sell GW2 items

    No grind - Okay, so some folks out there do enjoy level grinding. Heck, it's such a huge part of the classic RPG formula, but MMOs are notorious for dragging this out... way out. One reason is that you're paying to play, so it's really in the game creators' best interests to keep you paying any way they can. Well, not only does Guild Wars 2 drop the subscription fee, but it also removes those months of grinding. There's still some of that in the game, but it's disguised very well, because Arena Net gives players plenty of freedom when it comes to hitting 80. For many, the quest system is a little confusing, but the unconventional quest layouts, crafting, and exploration all provide means of getting reaching the level cap. Ultimately, the grind feels less like grinding and more like you're actually playing the game.

    No queues - So this is an interesting innovation Arena Net deserves credit for, their Overflow system. Unlike a typical online game where crowded servers are met with queues, Arena Net implemented overflow servers, basically cross-realm servers that players get shuffled into when the main server is full, and you're automatically dumped in a queue for the main server. Thing is, you're able to play while you wait, and despite a rough start, the system has more or less ironed itself out by now. If you're in a party that's been separated to different overflows, everyone can select one member of the group to join. What Arena Net has essentially done is eliminated the wait time attached to MMOs.

    So beautiful your eyes will bleed - Guild Wars was a gorgeous game, at least in 2005. In 2012, Guild Wars 2 carries on this legacy... of looking absolutely awesome. The details in the game continue to surprise, coming together to form a world that you know the developers really care about. The visual design, too, of everything from races to environments are a sight to behold. The uniqueness of each race is superbly captured in how they look, how their cities look, setting each apart from the other both in appearance and feel. No one race is alike in style or attitude, which lore fanatics ought to really appreciate. cheap dofus gold       C9 gold

    So there you have it, reasons to love Guild Wars 2 in a nutshell. Granted, it's not nearly as detailed as our actual full review, which might make a more compelling argument than a series of bullet points, but in the end, it's a great game, one that really shines in its current genre. That's why Guild Wars 2 squeezes its way onto our list of 2012 Game of the Year nominees.(2)

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

The game designers to talk about the concept of "Guild Wars 2" Occupation balance.


     Occupational balance has published a blog article on the design direction of the design concept of occupational balance in the game and the various occupational recent game designer Jonathan Sharp on fighting, and the subsequent development of the professional game. (2)

The occupational balance the concept
We usually try to make a change in balance between career with calculation and control, but not significantly weaken or strengthen a career. We want to see all the occupations in the same starting line, we want to avoid "playing hamster" balanced style (see that career too strong weakens). Generation patch generation will make the game system is unstable, so we try to make several small adjustments, rather than the time to put into a large-scale change, we had to later verify the correctness of.Buy GW2 Gold

When the design and balance career, we are trying to ensure that the integrity of the roles and occupational characteristics. Therefore, we do so, we ensure that each job has the functions of rules and weaknesses outlined. (3)

We hope that the soldiers in a sturdy body has good melee output capability, they can still do the AOE range damage, but they are not good at dealing with Ranger and his pet. They are difficult to eliminate the effect of the gift of the enemy, and only through their original violence. They may have a hard time and deal with the symptoms of the enemy, and may need to seek the help of his teammates to keep their own are not subject to the control of symptoms. (4)GW2 Gold

Keeper is a heavy armor occupation, dependent on the inherent lower life treatment capacity. They the battlefield focus on regional control and punish foes. We hope that they feel very powerful, when they the full bounty state, but the When these favors state is eliminated, they will begin to feel the pressure. They are easier to remove than the soldiers symptom control, and soldiers in melee range to maximize damage. (5)

Ranger career combined with his natural ability and pet skills. We balance the idea of ??the career, you have a pet to help you battle. In fact, the Ranger can have more than one pet, the way they control the pet will affect the results of the current fighting. We hope that the Ranger has some thieves dodge characteristics and maneuverability. This career can cause physical injury and symptoms of injury in the melee or range class. (6)Buy Guild Wars 2 gold

The engineer is a very versatile career. Although he is not suited to Compare the remote ranger or melee warrior and guardian scope of sexual combat lack of capacity (AOE). But they have a lot of manipulation of the device, and use them to keep themselves and their teammates gift effect. They can use different tools depending on the circumstances, but at the same time, they will lose their main hand weapon. (7)

The thieves have the maneuverability, stealth and high monomer output capability. If you use the scope of their stealth AOE damage or symptoms skills, they will become very vulnerable. Although they are very fragile, but has highest outbreak injury. They pass to set traps, weapons coated with venom and mobility to place to launch an unexpected attack. (8)Guild Wars 2 Gold For Sale

Mesmer major offensive way through the manufacture phantom. Have the illusion of illusionists are very powerful, and lose the illusion will become very fragile. They deal with the enemy symptoms skills more than other professions, but also by the enemy symptoms skills interference in the issue. Them thieves have stealth and mobility, but after when their phantom skills are seen through low health physique will become very passive. (9)

Elementalist is a comprehensive vocational skills, quantitative restrictions on the Elementalist special features cast at the appropriate time, how to use the four elements essential Elementalist. The element division has the best team support and the ability to control, as well as some of the wide range of magic damage. (10)

Necromancer is the law profession has the highest amount of blood, death shroud "special skills" to extend the value of life. Although they did not escape or skills to avoid injury, but compared to other occupations, they have more a war of attrition. They can use a variety of Poison weapons, enemy through symptom skills to bring a lot of real injury. They have a lot of interruptions and control skills, residual blood enemies almost impossible to escape from their hands.

Follow-up progress
Whether you choose what kind of talent, tanks and physical DPS or legal systems of symptoms can be obtained in the battlefield and PVP place. We do not want to work independently of a talent in the game. Contribute to the healthy development of the game allows players to try a variety of talent types.GW2 Gold For Sale

AOE skills balance. We think some of the wide range of skills in PVP too powerful, we will in the next few patch repair.